Meeting Minutes 9/11/15


  • Hackathons
    1. Women’s Event: HackerRank
    2. CU Hackathon: Oct 10
  • ACM + ACMW
    1. Think about combining events from both clubs
  • Tutoring Groups
    1. Environment where female students do the tutoring
      1. Work on programming assignments
      2. Tutor classes based on need
  • Epic
    1. Contacted Sarah to plug company
      1. We will allow them to plug company as long as they do a workshop
      2. Resume or technical workshop?
  • Officer Meeting
    1. 5:30 on Mondays
  • Theresa Wellington (from Google)
    1. Would like to give a tech talk to our group
      1. Q & A
      2. Cardboard workshop
      3. Resume and technical interview workshop
  • Rocky Mountain/Rocky Canyon HS
    1. We should talk about the transition from high school to college
      2. Things to help high school students get involved in STEM