Joey Tribbiani

On the outside, Joey Tribbiani comes off as the stereotypical Italian macho lunkhead; he treats women as objects, he's always saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, and he's constantly thinking about sex. But these aren't his strong points. Joey has quite possibly matured more than the other five Friends over the course of the show. Joey doesn't let anything get him down for long; he takes everything in stride. Every once in a while, Joey will even show a soft side: like buying his best friend an expensive bracelet just to let him know that he cares. Just when you think that Joey is the densest guy in the room, he'll surprise you with the most intelligent comment of the night. Don't take Mr. Tribbiani at face value--there's a thousand layers to this seemingly simple man. Joey is the kind of guy who isn't afraid to say to another guy, 'I love you.'

Birthdate: 1970
Current Occupation: Actor looking for work. Became minister for Chandler and Monica's wedding.
Hobbies: Playing foosball/watching Baywatch
Residence: Lives with no one across the hall from Monica and Chandler
Best Moment: Landing his role on Days of Our Lives/becoming Chandler's best man.
Worst Moment: When Chandler moved out to live with Monica.
Most Embarrassing Moment: When he used silly putty to pretend not to be circumsized, and it fell off.
