Chandler Bing
The only child of famed romance novelist Nora Bing, Chandler learned at an early age how to use humor as a defense mechanism. Chandler managed to be witty and sarcastic at the same time that he is sensitive and caring--maybe too sensitive, since many woman have mistaken Chandler to be gay. Chandler is the kind of guy that you never want to enter a battle of words with, because he will almost always win. He's got a comeback for everything, and he won't hesitate to use them. Quite possibly the funniest of the six Friends, Chandler's wit sometimes overshadows the fact that he cares a great deal about his buddies. Chandler works in an office no one (not even his close friends) know what he does for a living other than go to meetings and sit in an office. He now lives with his new bride Monica, across the hall from Joey in the apartment where Rachal and Monica used to live.

Birthdate: Unknown
Occupation: Chandler Bing works for a large multi-national data-processing corporation, what he does there no one knows.
Hobbies: Watching Baywatch, drinking coffee, and playing foosball
Residence: He lives with Monica.
Best Moment: When he morried Monica.
Worst Moment: When he ran away from the wedding.
Most Embarrassing Moment: When he had to pee on Monica's jellyfish sting.
