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Status:         Proposal REWRITE (version 8) accepted 12/91


Reference: Draft 9.126, MAKE-LOAD-FORM (p.9-30)





Category: Change

Edit History: Version 1, 7/19/91, Kim Barrett

Version 2, 7/25/91, Kim Barrett

Version 3, 8/2/91, Kim Barrett

Version 4, 8/18/91, Kim Barrett

Version 5, 9/3/91, Kim Barrett (dangling "conforming method")

Version 6, 9/18/91, Kim Barrett (proposal REWRITE)

Version 7, 9/25/91, Kim Barrett

(proposal REWRITE-WITH-POSITIONALS, update Discussion &etc,

change "same (EQ)" to "\term{same}", add "Notes")

Version 8, 9/25/91, Kim Barrett (Moon's comments, change bars)

Problem Description:

The last paragraph of the MAKE-LOAD-FORM proposal inadvertently forbids

implementations from providing methods for MAKE-LOAD-FORM which are applicable

to instances with metaclass STANDARD-CLASS or STRUCTURE-CLASS.

There was discussion about specifying that class metaobjects encountered as

compiled constants should be handled by looking up the class by name at load

time, but it appears that several mutually referencing issues may have all

assumed that this would be dealt with by one of the others, with the result

that nothing was actually specified for this situation.

MAKE-LOAD-FORM and MAKE-LOAD-FORM-SAVING-SLOTS are functions that deal with

forms, but violate the general principle that any function that manipulates

forms must have access to the environment in which those forms are to be



[Note: Lines beginning with "-n-" (where n is an integer) are not part of this

proposal. These lines were taken verbatim from the passed LOAD-OBJECTS

proposal, and are present only as an aid to understanding some of the changes

being made by this proposal by presenting both the original text and the

corresponding rewritten description side by side. Lines beginning with "+n+"

are part of the proposal, and are the proposed replacements for the

corresponding "-n-" text. However, the absence of these change markers should

not be taken to imply that the unmarked text is the same as the LOAD-OBJECTS

proposal or Draft 9.126.]

1. Replace the specification of MAKE-LOAD-FORM with the following:

MAKE-LOAD-FORM Standard Generic Function


MAKE-LOAD-FORM object &optional environment

Method Signatures:

make-load-form (object standard-object) &optional environment

make-load-form (object structure-object) &optional environment

make-load-form (object condition) &optional environment

make-load-form (object class) &optional environment


object -- an object.

environment -- an environment object.


Value 1: Creation form.

Value 2: Initialization form or not returned.


The generic function MAKE-LOAD-FORM creates and returns one or two

forms, a creation form and an initialization form, that enable LOAD to

construct an object equivalent to \arg{object}. \arg{Environment} is

the environment in which the forms will be processed.

-1- COMPILE-FILE calls MAKE-LOAD-FORM on any object that is referenced as

-1- a constant or as a self-evaluating form, if the object's metaclass is

-1- STANDARD-CLASS, STRUCTURE-CLASS, any user-defined metaclass (not a

-1- subclass of BUILT-IN-CLASS), or any of a possibly-empty

-1- implementation-defined list of other metaclasses. COMPILE-FILE will

-1- only call MAKE-LOAD-FORM once for any given object (compared with EQ)

-1- within a single file.

+1+ COMPILE-FILE calls MAKE-LOAD-FORM on any object that is referenced as a

+1+ constant or as a self-evaluating form, if the object is a generalized


+1+ possibly empty implementation dependent list of other classes.

+1+ COMPILE-FILE will only call MAKE-LOAD-FORM once for the \term{same}

+1+ object within a single file.

-2- It is valid for user programs to call MAKE-LOAD-FORM in other

-2- circumstances, providing the argument's metaclass is not BUILT-IN-CLASS

-2- or a subclass of BUILT-IN-CLASS.

+2+ Programmers may call MAKE-LOAD-FORM directly, providing \arg{object} is

+2+ a generalized instance of one of the explicitly named classes listed

+2+ previously.

-3- MAKE-LOAD-FORM of an object of metaclass STANDARD-CLASS or

-3- STRUCTURE-CLASS for which no user-defined method is applicable signals

-3- an error. It is valid to implement this either by defining default

-3- methods on STANDARD-OBJECT and STRUCTURE-OBJECT that signal an error

-3- or by having no applicable method for those classes.

+3+ The methods specialized on STANDARD-OBJECT, STRUCTURE-OBJECT, and

+3+ CONDITION all signal an error of type ERROR.

The method specialized on CLASS returns a creation form using the name

of the class if the class has a proper name in \arg{environment},

signaling an error of type ERROR if it does not have a proper name.

Evaluation of the creation form uses the name to find the class with

that name, as if by calling FIND-CLASS. If a class with that name has

not been defined, then a class may be computed in an implementation

defined manner. If a class cannot be returned as the result of

evaluating the creation form, then an error of type ERROR is signaled.

Implementations may provide additional methods specialized on system

classes. It is implementation dependent whether calling MAKE-LOAD-FORM

on a generalized instance of a \term{system class} signals an error or

returns creation and initialization forms.

Both implementations and programs may define additional

\term{conforming methods} to extend the behavior of MAKE-LOAD-FORM.

The creation form is a form that, when evaluated at \term{load time},

should return an object that is equivalent to \arg{object}. The exact

meaning of ``equivalent'' depends on the type of object and is up to

the programmer who defines a method for MAKE-LOAD-FORM. See ``What can

appear as a constant'' and ``Similarity as constants''.

The initialization form is a form that, when evaluatated at \term{load

time}, should perform further initialization of the object. The value

returned by the initialization form is ignored. If MAKE-LOAD-FORM

returns only one value, the initialization form is NIL, which has no

effect. If \arg{object} appears as a constant in the initialization

form, at \term{load time} it will be replaced by the equivalent object

constructed by the creation form; this is how the further

initialization gains access to the object.

-4- Both the creation form and the initialization form can contain

-4- references to objects of user-defined types (defined precisely below).

+4+ Both the creation and initialization forms may contain references to

+4+ objects of any type which can be processed as a constant by

+4+ COMPILE-FILE. However, there must not be any circular dependencies in

creation forms. An example of a circular dependency is when the

creation form for the object X contains a reference to the object Y,

and the creation form for the object Y contains a reference to the

object X. Initialization forms are not subject to any restriction

against circular dependencies, which is the reason that initialization

forms exist. See the example of circular data structures below.

-5- The creation form for an object is always evaluated before the

-5- initialization form for that object. When either the creation form or

-5- the initialization form references other objects of user-defined types

-5- that have not been referenced earlier in the COMPILE-FILE, the

-5- compiler collects all of the creation and initialization forms. Each

-5- initialization form is evaluated as soon as possible after its

-5- creation form, as determined by data flow. If the initialization form

-5- for an object does not reference any other objects of user-defined

-5- types that have not been referenced earlier in the COMPILE-FILE, the

-5- initialization form is evaluated immediately after the creation form.

-5- If a creation or initialization form F references other objects of

-5- user-defined types that have not been referenced earlier in the

-5- COMPILE-FILE, the creation forms for those other objects are evaluated

-5- before F, and the initialization forms for those other objects are

-5- also evaluated before F whenever they do not depend on the object

-5- created or initialized by F. Where the above rules do not uniquely

-5- determine an order of evaluation, which of the possible orders of

-5- evaluation is chosen is unspecified.

+5+ The creation form for an object is always evaluated before the

+5+ initialization form for that object. When either the creation form or

+5+ the initialization form references other objects that have not been

+5+ referenced earlier in the file being compiled, the compiler ensures

+5+ that all of the referenced objects have been created before evaluating

+5+ the referencing form. When the referenced object is of a type which

+5+ COMPILE-FILE processes using MAKE-LOAD-FORM, this involves evaluating

+5+ the creation form returned for it. (This is the reason for the

+5+ prohibition against circular references among creation forms).


+5+ Each initialization form is evaluated as soon as possible after its

+5+ associated creation form, as determined by data flow. If the

+5+ initialization form for an object does not reference any other objects

+5+ not referenced earlier in the file and processed by COMPILE-FILE using

+5+ MAKE-LOAD-FORM, the initialization form is evaluated immediately after

+5+ the creation form. If a creation or initialization form F does contain

+5+ references to such objects, the creation forms for those other objects

+5+ are evaluated before F, and the initialization forms for those other

+5+ objects are also evaluated before F whenever they do not depend on the

+5+ object created or initialized by F. Where these rules do not uniquely

+5+ determine an order of evaluation between two creation/initialization

+5+ forms, the order of evaluation is unspecified.

While these creation and initialization forms are being evaluated, the

objects are possibly in an uninitialized state, analogous to the state

of an object between the time it has been created by ALLOCATE-INSTANCE

and it has been processed fully by INITIALIZE-INSTANCE. Programmers

writing methods for MAKE-LOAD-FORM must take care in manipulating

objects not to depend on components that have not yet been initialized.

It is implementation dependent whether LOAD calls EVAL on the forms or

does some other operation that has an equivalent effect. For example,

the forms might be translated into different but equivalent forms and

then evaluated, they might be compiled and the resulting functions

called by LOAD, or they might be interpreted by a special-purpose

interpreter different from EVAL. All that is required is that the

effect be equivalent to evaluating the forms.


{use existing examples}

Affected By:


Exceptional Situations:

Certain methods signal an error when called, indicating that

\arg{object} cannot be used as a constant in code being processed by


See Also:




Some implementations may provide facilities for defining new subclasses

of classes which are specified as \term{system classes} by this

standard (some likely candidates include GENERIC-FUNCTION, METHOD, and

STREAM). Such implementations should document how COMPILE-FILE treats

instances of such classes when encountered as constants, and should

document any relevant methods for MAKE-LOAD-FORM.

2. Change the syntax of MAKE-LOAD-FORM-SAVING-SLOTS to

MAKE-LOAD-FORM-SAVING-SLOTS object &key :slot-names :environment

\arg{Environment} is an environment object, and is the environment in which

the forms will be processed.


Same as MAKE-LOAD-FORM-CONFUSION:REWRITE, except that the syntax for


MAKE-LOAD-FORM-SAVING-SLOTS object &optional slot-names environment

Editorial Impact:

A new version of MAKE-LOAD-FORM must be integrated into the document. It is

intended that this be a matter of making stylistic edits, formatting, and

getting fonts right for defined names, glossary terms, and such.


Possibly some small changes to the description of constant processing by



Adding optional environment arguments to these functions provides them with

access to the environment in which the forms to be returned will be processed


The rewrite attempts to fix the problem that the original specification of

MAKE-LOAD-FORM said something much stronger than was perhaps actually

intended, while still providing programmers with some guarantees about the

behavior of MAKE-LOAD-FORM when applied to instances of portable classes.

The intent is that programmers may define portable classes with the knowledge

that these classes will not be unintentionally inheriting supposedly useful

but actually inadequate methods for MAKE-LOAD-FORM provided by the

implementation, while still permitting COMPILE-FILE to use MAKE-LOAD-FORM for

handling instances of classes which are specified as possibly being built in

classes and for instances of additional implementation specific classes.

Adding a method signature for CLASS fills the gap mentioned in the problem

description. Some portions of the mechanism for performing the name to class

lookup are implementation defined in order to permit extensions (such as

forward referenced classes). This method is needed because class metaobjects

are valid type specifiers and so may be expected to appear directly in code to

be compiled.

Current Practice:

Lucid plans (in a future release which includes MAKE-LOAD-FORM) to provide the

method signature MAKE-LOAD-FORM (object CLASS), which will return a form that

looks up the class by name, returning a forward referenced class if necessary.

Symbolics removed the method MAKE-LOAD-FORM (object CLASS) from their current

development system, both because of technical issues related to extensions and

because of a belief that there were unresolved semantic issues. This proposal

attempts to deal with those issues.

Presumably nobody has yet given MAKE-LOAD-FORM an optional second argument.

Cost to Users and Implementors:

All existing methods for MAKE-LOAD-FORM will have to be modified to accept the

optional second argument. Some methods might need to be modified to use the

argument, rather than simply ignoring it. Probably the number of methods

involved is small, and both implementors and users will presumably be alerted

to unmodified definitions because of lambda-list congruency failures.

Calls to MAKE-LOAD-FORM-SAVING-SLOTS will need to be examined to determine

whether there is a missing environment argument that needs to be supplied, and

figure out where that environment is supposed to come from. Since most calls

to this function are likely to be in MAKE-LOAD-FORM methods, this is probably

going to be easy in virtually every case.


There was significant divergence of opinion regarding the treatment of class

metaobjects as compiled constants. Some discussion revolved around the issue

of whether the name to class mapping was sufficiently dependable to make

dumping by loadtime name lookup a reasonable choice, and whether this facility

was needed at all. The principal point of debate was the question of what to

do at loadtime when FIND-CLASS doesn't find a class. The passage from

COMPILE-ENVIRONMENT-CONSISTANCY regarding classes defined with DEFCLASS bears

on both of these questions. The current description is a compromise whose

intent is to permit but not require certain kinds of extensions, while

providing users with confidence that something well defined will happen if

this situation (which COMPILE-ENVIRONMENT-CONSISTANCY can be interpreted as

saying is an error) occurs.

Moon, regarding environment information

As I keep saying over and over (although I guess I must not have been

listening to myself when I first proposed make-load-form!), no form has any

meaning without an accompanying environment.

JonL, in response to the question

Will users complain if we don't add the ability to fasdump named class

objects to the language?

Already have. In droves. Probably because class-objects are written into

the language as first-class type-specifiers, and are being incorporated into

programs (as constants) with impunity.

Moon and Barrett both prefer proposal REWRITE over REWRITE-WITH-POSITIONALS.

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