Common Lisp provides a large variety of operations related to numbers. This section provides an overview of those operations by grouping them into categories that emphasize some of the relationships among them.
The next figure shows operators relating to arithmetic operations.
* 1+ gcd + 1- incf - conjugate lcm / decf
Figure 12-1. Operators relating to Arithmetic.
The next figure shows defined names relating to exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric operations.
abs cos signum acos cosh sin acosh exp sinh asin expt sqrt asinh isqrt tan atan log tanh atanh phase cis pi
Figure 12-2. Defined names relating to Exponentials, Logarithms, and Trigonometry.
The next figure shows operators relating to numeric comparison and predication.
/= >= oddp < evenp plusp <= max zerop = min > minusp
Figure 12-3. Operators for numeric comparison and predication.
The next figure shows defined names relating to numeric type manipulation and coercion.
ceiling float-radix rational complex float-sign rationalize decode-float floor realpart denominator fround rem fceiling ftruncate round ffloor imagpart scale-float float integer-decode-float truncate float-digits mod float-precision numerator
Figure 12-4. Defined names relating to numeric type manipulation and coercion.