affine matrix_product {P, Q, R|P>0 && Q>0 && R>0}
input float A {i,k| 0<=i0} : temp_C[i,j,k-1] + A[i,k-1]*B[k-1,j];
{|k==0} : 0;
C = temp_C;
Each variable in the affine system can be given a space-time map.
setSpaceTimeMap( Program program, String system, String var, String stMap)
An example for space-time mapping for the above program.
setSpaceTimeMap(prog, system, "temp_C", "(i,j,k->i,j,k)");
setSpaceTimeMap(prog, system, "C", "(i,j,k->i,j,k+1)");
since we admit interleaved schedules and processor allocation, each dimension in the space-time map can
be set as "sequential" "parallel" or "ordering". By default, every dimension is set as sequential, but we can specify the parallel dimension using
setParallel( Program program , String system , String orderingPrefix, String dims )
This command sets the dimensions (dims) with ordering prefix "orderingPrefix" to be parallel. We can also specify the odering dimension using
setOrderingDimensions(Program program, String system, String dims)
Space-Time mapping with statement ordering and "outer parallel" for the above matrix product.
setSpaceTimeMap(prog, system, "temp_C", "(i,j,k->i,j,k)");
setSpaceTimeMap(prog, system, "C", "(i,j,k->i,j,k)");
# Set up the first and second dimensions (dimensions start with 0) with no ordering prefix to be parallel
setParallel(prog, system, "", "0,1");
setStatementOrdering(prog, system, "temp_C", "C");
# This is an alternative space-time map for the matrix multiplication with ordering dimensions
setSpaceTimeMap(prog, system, "temp_C", "(i,j,k->0,i,j,0,k)");
setSpaceTimeMap(prog, system, "C", "(i,j,k->0,i,j,1,k)");
# Set the first and forth dimension to be ordering dimension (dimension starts with 0)
setOrderingDimensions(prog, system, "0,3");
# Set the first dimension with ordering prefix 0 to be parallel (the i dimension)
setParallel(prog, system, "0", "0");
===== Memory Mapping =====
Memory map is an affine function mapping iteration points in the domain the variables in the affine system to memory location. By default each variable will have an identity function as memory map.
To set memory map for a variable, //setMemoryMap// command should be used.
setMemoryMap( Program program, String system, String var, String memorySpace, String memoryMap)