DBT'2001 The IEEE International Workshop on
Defect Based Testing
Marina Beach Marriott, Marina del Rey, CA April 29, 2001
(In conjunction with VTS'2001)
Sponsored by: IEEE-CS Test Technology Tech. Comm.


How can we best cope with the test problems imposed by today's and future ICs? The 2001 International Workshop on Current and Defect Based Testing (DBT2001) will address these themes and aims to suggest possible solutions. It provides a forum to address the advances and research issues related to Current and Defect Based Testing and related testing methods in an informal setting. The theme of this year's workshop is "Defect Based Testing of Deep Submicron VLSI" has been selected to generate active discussions on challenges that have to be met to ensure a high coverage of faults in Submicron ICs.

The topics include all aspects of Current Testing, Defect Coverage, Test Vector Selection, Built-in Current Sensing and Current Sensors. Representiative topics include, but are not limited to the following:

IDDQ and IDDT Testing Design for IDDQ Testing
Submicron Test Challenges Fault Coverage - What is Sufficient
Economics of IDDQ Testing Technology Trends and Testing
IDDQ Test Generation Tools Mixed Current/Voltage Testing
ATE Issues On and Off Chip Current Sensors
Defects Coverage & Metrics Fault Location & Diagnosis
IDDQ Limit Setting IDD Testing of Analog/Mixed Circuit
Reliability Fault Detection Limitations of IDDQ Testing
Reliability Vs. Yield Bridging Faults Modeling, Tools etc.
Burn In Minimization Defect based Testing

To present at the workshop, submit a postscript or Acrobat (PDF) version of an extended abstract (about 1000 words), as an E-mail attachment, to the program chair by Dec 15, 2000. Accepted papers can be up to 6 pages long. Each submission should include full name and address of each author, affiliation, telephone number, FAX and e-mail address. The presentee's name and address should also be indicated. Camera ready papers for publication in proceedings will be due on Feb. 16, 2001. Reports or presentations on the state of technology, innovative design ideas and industrial practices are welcome. Proposals for panel discussions are also invited.


Submission of Extended Abstract: Jan 6, 2000
Notification of Acceptance: Jan 19, 2000
Camera Ready Paper: Feb 16, 2000

For Technical Program Submissions:
Prof. Duncan M. Walker, Program Chair
Dept. of Computer Science
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3112, USA
Tel: (979) 862-4387, Fax: (979) 847-8578,
For General Information
Dr. Sankaran M. Menon, General Chair
Intel Corporation
1501 S. Mopac Expwy, MS AN1-4A
Austin, TX 78746, USA
(512) 314-0573, -0523 (FAX)

DBT 2000 web site: http://www.cs.colostate.edu/~malaiya/dbt2000.html

Please visit the VTS2001 web-site for Advance Registration and Hotel Information: IEEE VLSI TEST SYMPOSIUM (VTS 2001) WWW Site: http://www.computer.org/tab/tttc/meetings/vts/home.html

General Chair
Sankaran M. Menon, General Chair
Intel Corporation
1501 S. Mopac Expwy, MS AN1-4A
Austin, TX 78746, USA
(512) 314-0573, -0523 (FAX)

Program Chair
Duncan M. Walker, Program Chair
Dept. of Computer Science
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3112, USA
Tel: (979) 862-4387, Fax: (979) 847-8578,

Finance Chair
Sri Jandhyala
Texas Instruments

Publicity Chair
Hans Manhaeve
Q-Star Test nv

Local Arrangements Chair
Kwang-Ting(Tim) Cheng
University of California, Santa Barbara

Charles Hawkins
University of New Mexico

Steering Committee
Yashwant K. Malaiya (Chair),
Colorado State University
Anura P. Jayasumana (Vice-Chair),
Colorado State University
Joan Figueras,
UPC, Barcelona
Kozo Kinoshita,
Osaka University
Rochit Rajsuman, Advantest

Program Committee
Robert Aitken, Hewlett Packard, USA
Waleed Al-Assadi, IBM, USA
Sreejit Chakravarty, Intel, USA
Anne Gattiker, IBM, USA
Ali Keshavarzi, Intel, USA
Kozo Kinoshita, Osaka Univ, Japan
Bram Kruseman, Philips,Netherlands
Peter Maxwell, Agilent Tech, USA
Ed McCluskey, Stanford Univ, USA
Andrew Richardson, Lancaster Univ, UK
Marly Roncken, Intel, USA
Rob Roy, Mobilian, USA
Manoj Sachdev, Univ of Waterloo, Canada
Jaume Segura, UIB, Balears, Spain
Adit Singh, Auburn Univ, USA
Jerry Soden, Sandia Nat Labs, USA
Claude Thibeault, Ecole de Tech Sup, Canada
Victor Zieren, Philips Res., Netherlands