Yashwant K. Malaiya
Professor, Computer Science Department
Major Topics:
- Software and hardware testing
Fault modeling,
Test effectiveness,
Testing strategies
- Software and hardware Reliability
Reliability growth for design faults,
Relationship between test coverage and reliability.
- Security vulnerabilities
Discovery process modeling,
Some books that use our results:
- Machine Learning Techniques for Improved Business Analytics,
Dileep Kumar G., Ed, IGI Global, 2018, see related paper)
- Software Reliability Assessment with OR Applications, Springer Series in Reliability Engineering,
P.K. Kapur, Hoang Pham, A. Gupta, P.C. Jha, Springer Science & Business Media, 2013, see related paper)
- Security Engineering for Cloud Computing: Approaches and Tools: Approaches and Tools,
David G Rosado, July 2011, IGI Global, Sep 30, 2012
- A large Scale validation of A methodology for Assessing Software Reliability,
C.S. Smidts, Y. Shi, M. Li, W. Kong, J. Dai,July 2011, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission.(Fault Exposure Ratio, see
related paper)
- Secure Coding in C and C++,
Robert C. Seacord, Addison-Wesley Professional; Sep 9 2005,
(Vulenrability discovery Data, see related paper)
- Software Measurement and Estimation: A Practical Approach
by Linda M. Laird and M. Carol Brennan,
John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.; May 18 2006,
(Module size and complexity, see related paper)
- Random testing of
digital circuits: theory and applications, René David, CRC Press, 1998. (Detectability
Profile concept, see
related paper)
Digital hardware testing: transistor-level fault modeling and testing,
Rochit Rajsuman, Artech House Publishers, 1992.(IDDQ Testing, see
related paper)
Some press and comments about our work:
- Researchers Struggle to Determine True Cost of Data Breaches Robert Lemos, eWeek, July 24, 2016, pages 13-14.
- Heading off the hackers:
Research predicts software vulnerabilities CSU Magazine, pages 13-14.
- Is Internet Explorer More Secure than Firefox?, Kate Green, MIT Techology review, Sept. 21, 2006.
- Software Flaws Can Be Predicted, David Utter, SecurityProNews, July 3, 2006.
- Modell zur Vorhersage von Sicherheitslucken, von Frank Ziemann, PCWelt, July 4, 2006
- Researchers look to predict software flaws, Robert Lemos, July 10, 2006,
also at SecurityFocus, July 7, 2006.
- CSU team crushes computer bugs, Christine McManus, Coloradoan, July 10, 2006.
Editor's Eye, Jon Erickson, Dr. Dobb's Portal, July 3, 2006.
- Un progetto di ricerca per prevedere il numero di errori nel softwarePaolo De Nictolis,13-07-2006.
Testing, Reliability & Security Research Group: Publications/Reports
- CS559: Quantitative Security
- CS530,
CS530DL: Fault-Tolerant Computing
- CS470: Computer Architecture
- CS370: Operating Systems
- CS635: Adv. Fault-Tolerant Computing
CS150: Interactive Programming with Java
CS270: Computer Organization
Computer Science Department Home Page