Assignment 1: Introduction * 3
CS 440
Fall 2015

Due: September 2, 2015 by noon MDT

Part 1: Introduction to Instructor [15 pts]

I have difficulty matching names to faces. It helps if I am reminded (early and often!) and if I know something more about you.

Part 2: Introduction to Colleagues [15 pts]

To encourage everyone to participate on the discussion board, you need to introduce yourself to the rest of the class. You must log on to Canvas and add to the "Introductions" discussion thread. Provide your name and at least one other "byte" of information: why you are taking the course, what your passion is, the most unusual thing you have ever done, a photo of your pet, link to your favorite cat video...whatever.

Part 3: Introduction to AI [70 pts]

To make you think about AI, its role in society and the relationship of research to practice, you need to read an article about AI and follow up on some of the information in it. In honor of the recent movie on Alan Turing, you will be reading "Computing Machinery and Intelligence", which, contrary to what the movie stated, is about "The Imitation Game" but does not have that title.

Based on reading the article, you need to write a series of short essays that answer the following questions.

  1. Write a summary of the article, focusing on what it tells you about AI.
  2. What is your opinion about the Imitation Game as a way of assessing intelligence? Your answer should include some mention of how the intelligence version compares to the gender version that we did in class. (If you missed class on August 26, please watch the recording.) Note: The students who participated in the in class Imitation Game will automatically receive the points for this question without writing an essay for it.
  3. The article discusses nine counter opinions about "Can machines think?" Pick one of them and take the opposite part from Turing and argue why the original opinion was reasonable.
  4. Think about what has happened since Turing wrote the article. What did he get most correct? What did he most fail to anticipate?
  5. What did you learn about AI from reading Turing's article?
  6. Recently, Stephen Hawking has been vocal in his concerns about AI. Look up on the web some of what he has said on the subject. Quote Hawking and explain why you agree or disagree with what he is saying.

The answers should be at least ½ page with 1 inch margins, single spaced and 12 pt font. Number each essay by the numbers of their questions. Each question will be worth 10 points. The last 10 points will be awarded based on the grammar, spelling and readability of the essays.

Essays should be submitted through Canvas as a PDF file.