CS614: Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
Software Testing
Fall 2007
We will discuss current research and practice in the areas of model-based
software testing, testing aspect-oriented software, and testing distributed
Model-based software testing: Using UML models to test software, validation of UML designs, model execution and testing, test case generation
Testing aspect-oriented softare: Fault models, test adequacy criteria, testing techniques (unit and integration)
Testing distributed systems: Fault models, test management, fault injection testing
The course will be run as a seminar. Students will present research papers
and write summaries and critiques. Projects are a major component of the
grade and they involve research or implementation along with a term paper.
The first few classes will be devoted to lectures that review
background material on software testing. Student paper presentations will
begin after these lectures.
Prerequisites: CS514/CS517/CS518,
or written consent of instructor
What's New?
May 17
Course website under construction for Fall 2007.