A8: Input Space Partition Testing

DUE: 11:59PM, Friday 17 November 2017

20 points

1. Problems

  1. (10 points) Use the input space partitioning technique to develop test inputs for any five methods that you tested in the LinkedHashMap class in assignment A7. Note that you do not need to write the tests in JUnit format. However, you must show complete work, i.e., show the input parameters, characteristics/partition scheme, blocks, and then the input values.

  2. (10 points) Do all parts (a-e) of problem 6 (BoundedQueue) in the Ammann and Offutt textbook on page 91.

2. Submission

  • Submit your answers in one PDF file called a8.pdf.
  • Put your name at the top of the each page.
  • Important Reminder: You may use material from the book or other sources in your answers. However, you must cite your sources properly. Any verbatim quotations must be enclosed in quotation marks, with page numbers indicated. You will receive severe point deductions if you use material from the text or other sources that is not properly cited.