Recursion is handy for solving problems involving choosing one of several alternatives at each step. For this assignment, you will use recursion to solve mazes!
Each maze will be specified by a text file containing # marks for barriers, one S for the starting position, and one G for the goal position. As the maze is solved, your code will leave breadcrumbs, indicated by . characters. Here is an example maze.
########## # # # ### # # # G # # # # # # # # # ####### # S # ##########
After finding a solution path, the result might look like this.
########## # .......# # . ### .# # . # G.# # . # ..# # . ..# # . ..# # .####### # ..S # ##########
The sequence of moves, with U, R, D, and L indicating Up, Right, Down, and Left moves, and G indicating the Goal is reached, is
Notice that this is not the shortest path to the goal. The search method we will be implementing is a "depth-first search", and is not likely to find the shortest path.
For this assignment, you will implement a single class, named Maze. The list of required classes and methods are:
Your main method must get the filename from the command line, call the above methods to solve the maze, and print the resulting map and the solution path.
Your findPathFrom(row,col) must implement this recursive algorithm for finding a path to the goal from the position (row,col) given as an argument.
To solve the above maze, make a file with the following contents.
10 10 ########## # # # ### # # # G # # # # # # # # # ####### # S # ##########
Say it is saved in a file named maze1. The result of compiling and running your Maze class must be exactly as shown below.
> javac > java Maze maze1 ########## # .......# # . ### .# # . # G.# # . # ..# # . ..# # . ..# # .####### # ..S # ########## LLUUUUUUURRRRRRDDDDDLUUUG
More examples are provided here in this debugging output of successful runs. These use the above maze file and also mazeSmall and mazeBig.
Make a jar file containing your file and at least one text file, different than the above example, containing a maze that your code can solve. Name your jar file P4.jar. For example, say you have created two maze text files names maze1 and maze2.
jar cvf P4.jar maze1 maze2
Submit P4.jar online checkin system.