Ashley's Wonderful Web page

I enjoy skating and swimming. I aslo opps I'm sorry forgot tointroduce my self my name is Ashley Wesley I go to Moore school.In fort collins Colorado. My hobbies are gymnastics ,basketball and , singing.

Isn't this cool you can actually go to this web site
but after you read this.
Before you start bouncing
off the walls, do something active to ditch some
of that energy. Your heightened sense of
physical fitness oriented energy could easily
be transferred over into moodiness. So before
that happens best to spend some time in the sun, spend some time
outside today... go for a hike or a walk. Try to avoid anything to
emotionally encompassing. Try to accomplish little projects that you
can reap the benefits of right away. You know, like organize that
desk of yours.

Mars (assertiveness and action) is conjunct (0 degrees) the Moon (emotions, home and habits) in your birth chart. Level of influence: Moderate; short-term (3-5 days), exact at 2:47 pm. PASSING MOODS: Prioritize and act! Streamline your tasks and format your existence today! Your survival is dependent on it. The planets call for you to spend some valuable time to access the good and the bad. Downing a box of nerds as you try to go to sleep is probably not so good... getting up early to go... good. Who are your true friends? And I mean the ones who would do anything for you? And who are you going to nominate for friend of the week? What major activities do you have planned for the next couple of weeks? Your mental health is on the line here, so be true to yourself. What can you toss and what can you keep? The Moon is at a waning 90-degree angle to Mars in your birth chart. This stimulates your assertiveness. Exact at 6:07 am. Examining obligations The planets weigh you down, ball-and-chainlike with issues of responsibility. But keep it cool. Forgetting to take out the trash last night and ditching other household chores may cause difficulties with the rents. I know these boring routines suck, but it's all part of life. If you are stuck in a rut of routine obligations, you are forced to consider that which you must, and that which you will. You are going to feel as if you are being lead down a path to nowhere with no end in sight. The Moon is at a (waning) 90-degree angle to Saturn in your birth chart. This stimulates the more sober and down-to-earth parts of your personality. Exact at 2:36 pm. Professional aspirations Professional ambitions and self-actualization are your focus today! The planets are forcing you to think about what your plans for the future are. Now don't get scared, maybe it's a good time to think about a college major... but remember that nothing is set in stone. Today's oral report will score big intellectual brownie points, and you will be empowered by the whole concept of knowledge is wealth. See if Uncle Joe needs a little help at his design firm; some hands-on experiences just might be a jumping-off point for some future life's work. Use your family for sources of apprenticeships. Remember, you don't need to decide today, but what's the harm in setting some goals and laying down some laws for yourself. The Moon, which is associated with moods and receptivity, is aligned with the Midheaven ("MC") of your birth chart. The MC is the area of the chart associated with professional aspirations and career goals. Exact at 6:04 pm. The emotional dump truck just dumped a huge ass load on you today. The planets compel you to come face to face with those deep dark secrets. Today is a day of great change, breaking of old ties, relationships, and family matters. It is going to hit the fan, and I mean all of it. Watch your ruff riders approach, today is not the day to go head-to-head with that English teacher. Try to relax. Those flared nostrils of yours are making it a bit obvious. You can use these extremes to your advantage. Make some major changes to your lifestyle. Change is a good thing, but it may mean stepping into the ring WWF style and confronting some issues with yourself and others. The Moon, which is associated with emotions and sensitivity, is at a tense (waning) 90 degree angle to transformative Pluto in your birth chart. Exact at 11:58 pm.This describes me and how I act most of the time.


Store: Limeted too
Animal: dog
color: green
music: rap
tv station: bet or disney

If you would like to go to disneys web page . click here

These are my cousins aren't they cute.Caleigha is two . Cameron is almost seven months . If you would like to see other pictures click here This is how you get to the web site that tells you all about your hormones. click here
Also if you would like to see pictures of my closests friends click here
You also can see early yeaar pictures if you'd like of me when I was like six years old to a baby. look here