A Cat Fairy

My Cat Name Tiger

A lot of people like dogs instead of cats, because dogs
can play, go places, and lots more things.
And they just think that cats just laid around and sleep.
But cats do so much more then that!
This page is going to show you all the things they
do, and you will change your mind on CATS!



It is a lot easier to take care of cats. Have are some things you will need.
You will need a cat box (litter box) if your cat is going to be a indoor cat and you may want one if your cats in both indoor and outdoor cat. And you would need something to pick the suff up with.

There are forster home with cats and kitten that have been rescue from
Kind: Calico, Tabby-Grey Mix
Size: Small
Age: Baby
Sex: Female
I.D: Si21
She was born March 28, 2001. Lovely little girl that is inquistive,
playful and provides lots of purrs! She was raised with her brother
Scout, and enjoys all the attention she can get! One of her favorite
things is to snuggle with you at night and sleep with you!



There are a lot of different kinds of house cats,
but there are lots of big wild cats, and each one
is special. Down below are just some of the big
cats that are in our world today!

Lions live in Africa. In Africa it is hard to live out in the Sahara, because it is so hot and the leak of food and water. When two lions get together and have cubs. In the cubs live, the first two month are the most important, because most cub lions die by leak of food and water, and if the cub or cubs leave the family at night, they could and probly die by birds or other animals that hunt during the night for food. But if the cubs can live past the first two months, they will probly live. The lions
Tigers live in Asia. There coat is stripped of black and orange and some times white.