
Everyone who is anyone knows that the best television show IN THE WORLD is Daria on MTV. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I advise you to go to The Daria Homepage and watch the show. It's on Monday evenings on the Ten Spot. If you still have no idea what I'm talking about, you are thoroughly deprived of MTV. Please see a certified doctor to give you some sort of treatment.

On my FunnyStuff page, I've compiled a list of the best Daria quotes - Jess, if I'm missing any, tell me! - so go there and check it out!

Tamara and Samantha - this one's for you! On The Word Detective you can find the origins of tons and tons of words, and send an e-mail to Evan himself, asking for the start of your favorite word. (Do you guys remember that Christmas project in Reading? Yup, he helped me.)

Ever wonder what your future holds? If you could be a roadie? If your friends are true-blue or backstabbing little weasles? Go to the React.com Quizzes, and find the answers to these questions, and so much more -

"How much do you know about tacky American exports?"

"What reality show is right for you?"

"Are you a teacher's pet?"

and Samantha - "Is the force with you?"

This website doesn't relly have anything funny or amusing - except for a bunch of blinking little neon-y signs! You'll probably think they're stupid, but I found them to be cool. Anyways...here's the Neon City page!

If you've found a cool website that you think sould be on my page, e-mail me with the address, I'll check it out, and it might just end up on the

Starry Screen of CoolSites.

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