Taxonomy of Feature Extraction and Translation
Methods for BCI
Participants in the Signal Processing: Feature Extraction
and Translation Workshop at the Third
International Meeting on Brain-Computer Interface Technology, June
14-19, 2005, Rensselaerville Institute, NY, were asked for summaries of
the feature extraction and translation methods that they have used.
This document lists their summaries and contains a draft of a
taxonomy of methods that is continually changing. We will discuss and
modify this taxonomy at the meeting.
The goals of this effort are to discover how our work relates to
the collective effort of this community, to prompt a discussion of
which methods appear to be most fruitful for various applications,
and to highlight new methods yet to be tried.
Please send suggestions for changes to Chuck Anderson at
A related analysis of methods by S.Mason, A. Bashashati,
M. Fatourechi, and G. Birch is being developed through an extensive survey of the
literature. While the material in this web page is focused on feature extraction and translation, the work of Mason, et al., encompasses all of the steps involved in BCI research and application. It is avalable at
Reasons to make a taxonomy
- People new to field can see overview.
- Experienced people can see how their work relates to that of
- Highlight new methods or combinations of methods.
Desirable characteristics of
feature extraction and translation methods
- Accuracy
- Correct at least x% of the
time for classification, or correct within e for x%
of the time if continuous. x and e depend on
- Robust to interference from
environmental signals and non-EEG biological signals.
- Reliable (repeatable?) from hour
to hour, day to day, across different applications of electrode
cap, over different environments, and different subjects.
- Features that are easily
discriminated. (orthogonal)
- Fast, Responsive
- BCI decision within y
seconds, or fraction of second.
- Computation time small.
- Storage requirements small.
- Need not wait for artifact-free
- Training time short, requiring
reasonable amount of data.
- Interpretable
- Can explain how BCI decision is
being made.
- Relate to known electrophysiology
and contribute with new knowledge.
- Will lead to better feature
extraction methods.
- Intuitive visualization, leading
to biofeedback if in real-time.
- Practical
- Inexpensive, or at least
- Somewhat portable.
- Open source.
- Easy setup for subject.
- Finely discriminatng between multiple thoughts, states
- Automaticity, little effort needed by subject
In response to our request for information from workshop
participants, we received replies from Chuck Anderson, Benjamin
Blankertz, Clemens Brunner, Anna Buttfield, Mehrdad Fatourechi, Greg
Gage, Xiarong Gao, Paul Hammon, Bin He, Ruthy Kaidar, Dean
Krusienski, Dennis McFarland, Alois Schloegl, Len Trejo, Doug Weber.
Replies are outlined below.
- Chuck Anderson
- Features
- Multichannel EEG samples are
augmented by multiple past samples lagged by single sample
- Artifacts filtered from
decomposed signals separated by maximum signal fraction.
- Augmented samples are segmented
into 1/2-second windows, overlapping by 1/4 second.
- Samples in each window are
decomposed by singular-value decomposition.
- Each window is represented by
subset of left singular vectors (dimension of each is equal to
number of channels x number of lags)
- Classifier
- k-nearest neighbors, k = 1, 2,
... 10
- linear and quadratic
discriminant analysis
- committee of decision trees
- neural networks
- generative models of multiple
- Application
- Classification of several
10-second trials recorded from subjects performing two mental
tasks, such as mental multiplication and imagined letter writing.
- Citation
- Kirby, M. and Anderson, C.W.
(2003) Geometric Analysis for the Characterization of
Nonstationary Time-Series. In Springer Applied Mathematical
Sciences Series Celebratory Volume for the Occasion of the 70th
Birthday of Larry Sirovich, ed. by Kaplan, E., Marsden, J., and
Sreenivasan, K.R., Springer-Verlag, Chapter 8, pp. 263--292.
- Anderson, C.W., and Kirby, M. (2003) EEG
Subspace Representations and Feature Selection for Brain-Computer
Interfaces. In Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Workshop on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition for Human Computer
Interaction (CVPRHCI), June 17, 2003, Madison, Wisconsin.
- Benjamin Blankertz
- Method A: Classifying Movement
Intentions based on LRP features (LRP: lateralized readiness
- Features
- Multichannel EEG, 100Hz DC (or
high-pass below 0.1 Hz)
- Channelwise 128-point Fourier
Transform with one-sided cosine window win(n)= 1-cos(n*pi/128)
- Discarding DC (first) and
higher frequency bins (>4 Hz)
- Transform back to time domain
(inverse FT)
- Retain of the last 200ms
- Subsampling by calculating the
mean of non-overlapping windows of 50ms length
- Results in 4 dimensions per
- Classifier
- Regularized least mean squares
regression (in principle equivalent to LDA and Fisher
Discriminant). Regularization parameter selected by
- Application
- Discriminating upcoming
movements before EMG activity starts (interval of movement
- Offline and online
discrimination of left vs. right hand index finger movements and
hand vs. shoulder movements
- Offline classification of index
vs. little finger; hand vs. foot movement; left foot vs. right
foot movement
- other classifications, online
feedback experiment, study with phantom movements of amputees:
will be included in our BCI Meeting Proceedings contribution.
- Citation
- Benjamin Blankertz and Guido
Dornhege and Christin Schaefer and Roman Krepki and Jens
Kohlmorgen and Klaus-Robert Mueller and Volker Kunzmann and
Florian Losch and Gabriel Curio, Boosting Bit Rates and Error
Detection for the Classification of Fast-Paced Motor Commands
Based on Single-Trial EEG Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Neural
Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 11(2), 127-131, 2003
- Method B: Classifying Imagined
Movements based on ERD features (ERD: event-related
- Features
- For training:
- band-pass filter signals
(order 5 butterworth IIR filter)
- Common Spatial Patterns (CSP)
analysis, retain 2 to 6 CSP channels. (Remark. Here it is
unclear whether CSP is to be listed under 'Feature Extraction'
because it uses label information and acts almost like a
- Calculate variance along time
in training epochs and take logarithm
- Results in features with 1
dimension per CSP channel (total 2 to 6 dim feature)
- For feedback:
- Apply spatial filter that was
determind by CSP
- Apply band-pass filter
- Take last (most recent) 500ms
or 1000ms of continuous data
- Calculate variance along time
and take logarithm
- Classifier
- LDA (no regularization)
- Application
- Discrimination between imagined
left hand vs. right hand vs. foot vs. tongue movement. For
feedback mostly only two classes are used. Feedback applications
were, e.g., one dimensional cursor control with an asynchronous
protocol (also as mental typewriter application) and simple
computer games like brain pong
- Citation
- Offline results: Guido Dornhege
and Benjamin Blankertz and Gabriel Curio and Klaus-Robert
Mueller, Boosting bit rates in non-invasive EEG single-trial
classifications by feature combination and multi-class paradigms,
IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering 51(6), 993-1002, 2004
- Results of a feedback study:
Poster at the BCI Meeting. Also a Technical Report will be
available at the Meeting. It will be submitted for publication at
the meeting.
- Method C: For both Applications
above also combined LRP/ERD features
- Features
- Separately for LRP and ERD
features as described above.
- Classifier
- Special linear classifier
optimized for the assumption that both features are independent
- Application
- Discriminating upcoming
movements before EMG activity starts (interval of movement
intention). Offline discrimination of left vs. right hand index
finger movements. Discrimination between imagined left hand vs.
right hand vs. foot movement.
- Citation
- Combination for classifying
imagined movements: Guido Dornhege and Benjamin Blankertz and
Gabriel Curio and Klaus-Robert Mueller, Boosting bit rates in
non-invasive EEG single-trial classifications by feature
combination and multi-class paradigms, IEEE Transaction on
Biomedical Engineering 51(6), 993-1002, 2004.
- Combination for classifying movement intentions: will be
included in our BCI Meeting Proceedings contribution.
- Clemens Brunner
- Features
- Classical bandpower (averaged
over 1 second windows)
- Adaptive autoregressive
parameters (sample by sample)
- Common spatial patterns
- Phase features (coupling between
pairs of electrodes)
- We've been using each kind of
feature separately and also in combination with others.
- Classifier
- Linear discriminant analysis,
for more than 2 classes we're usually using a one-versus-the-rest
classification scheme with multiple classifiers.
- Application
- Above methods have been applied
to classify up to 4 classes (motor imagery of left hand, right
hand, foot, and tongue, respectively). We've analyzed different
electrode setups, e.g. 60, 22, 3 or only 2 channels.
- Citation
- Anna Buttfield
- Features
- 16 times a second we compute the
power spectral density in the band 8-30 Hz over the last minute
with a frequency resolution of 2Hz.
- A 96 element feature array is
constructed by taking these PSD values for 8 electrodes.
- Classifier
- Gaussian mixture classifier
- Application
- This method has been applied to
3 class problems with subjects performing tasks such as
imagination of left and right hand movement and a language task.
- Citation
- Brain-Actuated Interaction, J. del R. Millan, F. Renkens,
J. Mouri no, and W. Gerstner, in "Artificial Intelligence",
- Mehrdad Fatourechi
- Features
- Wavelet-like function
- combined with PCA to reduce
number of features.
- Select feature subset using
genetic algorithm
- Classifier
- k-nearest neighbor, k=1
- Application
- classification of
movement-related potentials (MRPs) associated with movement of the
right index finger in an asynchronous BCI system.
- Citation
A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Approach for Improving the
Performance of the LF-ASD Brain Computer Interface Fatourechi, M.;
Bashashati, A.; Ward, R.K.; Birch, G.E.; Acoustics, Speech, and
Signal Processing, 2005. Proceedings. (ICASSP '05). IEEE
International Conference on Volume 5, March 18-23, 2005
Page(s):345 - 348
- Greg Gage
- Features
- Individual spikes and multi-unit
clusters are sorted online using PCA and template matching.
- Spike times are collected into
90ms bins and processed in real time for neuroprosthetic control.
- Classifier
- A Kalman filter is used to
convert binned spike data into cursor movement predictions.
- After each trial, the unknown
parameters in the state and observation models are iteratively
estimated using dynamic regression of the observed neural activity
along with the "intended" movement path.
- The updated filter parameters
are used to decode the next trial
- Application
- Above methods have been used to
allow rats to learn cortical control of an unfamiliar auditory
cursor. This method is intended to be applied in situations where
(1) subjects have not received prior motor training to control a
prosthetic device (naive user) and (2) the neural encoding of
movement parameters in the cortex is unknown to the decoding
filter (naive controller).
- Citation
- Naive Coadaptive Cortical
Control (2005) Gregory J Gage, Kip A Ludwig, Kevin J Otto,
Edward L Ionides and Daryl R Kipke J. Neural Eng. 2 (2) 52-63.
- Xiarong Gao
- Features
- Multichannel EEG are filtered by
two frequency bands ( 0-3Hz and 8-30Hz ).
- Data segmented into 2 second
windows by EMG active trigger.
- The two bands data are then
filtered in spatial domain, CSSD(Common spatial subsapce
decomposition) is used to design the spatial filters from training
- Two variance features based on
BP and ERD/ERS are obtained from the output as spatial filters
vector for that window.
- Classifier
- Simple linear classifier ( a
perceptron with two input and one output) is used to classify the
figer movement related EEG mental tasks.
- Application
- Above methods have been used to
classify single-trial EEG during right/left finger movement.
- Citation
- Yong Li, Xiaorong Gao and Shangkai Gao (2004)
Classification of single-trial Electroencephalogram during finger
movement. IEEE-T-BME, Vol.51, No.6, June 2004, 1019-1025.
- Paul Hammon
- Features
- spectral data was a particularly
effective feature, and that either autoregressive coefficients or
conventional power spectral estimates (not practical in an online
setup) were effective
- pre-processing with an ICA
transform (with a moderate amount of dimensionality reduction via
PCA) was effective
- Classifier
- I tried both SVMs and
L1-regularized logistic regression. I found that although SVMs
generally win out in classification tasks, regularized logistic
regression often performs well, and has the added benefit of very
fast classification.
- Application
- data set I of the BCI
Competition III, consisting of data from implanted ECoG electrodes
- Citation
- Bin He
- Method A
- Features
- Multi-channel EEG time series
- Laplacian Spatial Filtering
- Frequency decomposition with
overlapping frequency bands for each channel
- Envelope extraction on the time
series that are decomposed into each frequency band
- The spatial pattern for each
time-frequency pair to be the feature vector
- Classifier
- For a given mental state, the
characteristic spatial pattern on each time-frequency pair is
extracted from training set.
- Classification is performed on
every time-frequency pair by calculating the correlation of the
spatial patterns with the characteristic pattern
- Weighted synthesis in time and
- Application
- Citation
- Wang T, Deng J, He B:
"Classifying EEG-based Motor Imagery Tasks by means of
Time-frequency Synthesized Spatial Patterns," Clinical
Neurophysiology, 115(12): 2744-2753, 2004.
- Method B
- Features
- Multi-channel EEG time series
- Laplacian Spatial Filtering
- Band-pass filtering
- Noise normalization
- ICA decomposition
- EEG inverse technique (cortical
current density estimation, single- or two-dipole fitting)
- Classifier
- Classification on continuous
cortical source distribution, or locations of equivalent dipole
- Application
- Citation
- Kamousi B, Liu Z, He B:
"Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks for Brain-Computer
Interface Applications by means of Two Equivalent Dipoles
Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and
Rehabilitation Engineering, in press, 2005.
- Qin L, Ding L, He B: "Motor Imagery Classification by
Means of Source Analysis for Brain Computer Interface
Applications", J of Neural Engineering, 1:135-141, 2004.
- Ruthy Kaidar
- Features
- Data is segmented into 550ms
long movement and non-movement intervals
- Looked at single-trial amplitude
of movement vs. non-movement segments in time.
- Found where the segments are
significantly difference, using statistical tests.
- Electrodes with the largest
significant difference were used for movement detection.
- Spectral power estimation of
movement segments was done using the Multi-taper method.
- Looked at the gamma-band power,
and found where left and right movement segments are
significantly different, using statistical tests.
- Electrodes with largest
significant gamma-band power difference were selected for
detection of laterality of movement.
- Classifier
- Support Vector Machines were
used to classify single-trials in two separate dimensions:
- Time-domain features were used
to classify between movement and non-movement segments
- Frequency-domain features were
used to classify between left and right movement tasks.
- Application
- Above methods have been used to
classify 20-channel EEG recorded from subjects in an attentive
state, performing a movement task either with left or right index
finger, depending on target cue.
- Citation
- Work not published yet.
- Dean Krusienski
- Features
- 2 large laplacian channels over
opposing hemispheres of the sensorimotor cortex.
- Data segmented into 400ms,
overlapping by 20ms.
- Segments are processed with a
matched filter (matched to the mu-rhythm), producing a continous
feature output.
- Classifier
- Features are translated using a
linear equation with adaptive coefficients to control the cursor.
- Application
- 1d and 2d cursor control via a
mu-rhythm matched filter
- Citation
- Krusienski, DJ, Schalk, G, Mcfarland, DJ, Wolpaw, JF,
Tracking of the Mu Rhythm using an Empirically Derived Matched
Filter, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Neural Engineering,
March 2005.
- Dennis McFarland
- Features
- Multichannel (64) EEG
- Spatial Laplacian
- Data segmented into 400 msec
windows with 7/8 overlap between successive windows
- AR spectral analysis with 16th
order model
- Classifier
- Multiple Linear Regression to
predict target position ( 1 and 2 spatial dimensions) from EEG
- Application:
- Citation
- Wolpaw, J.R and McFarland, D.J.
(2004) Control of a two-dimensional movement signal by a
non-invasive brain-computer interface in humans. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences, 101, 17849-17854.
- McFarland, D.J. and Wolpaw, J.R. Sensorimotor rhythm-based
braiin-computer interface (BCI): Feature selection by regression
improves performance. IEEE Transactions in Neural Systems and
Rehabilitation Engineering (in press).
- Alois Schloegl
- Method A
- Features
- Bandpower estimated with FFT
- Classifier
- Learning Vector Quantisation.
DS-LVQ (Pregenzer) was used for feature selection.
- That classification result
++,+,0,-,-- (5 grades from correct to wrong) was displayed at the
end of one trial.
- Application
- Citation
- Pfurtscheller et al 1997.
- Method B
- Features
- Adaptive autoregressive (AAR)
parameters are estimated continously with Kalman filtering, [in
previous works we used also LMS and RLS]
- Classifier
- Linear or quadratic classifiers
are applied to short window segments (typically 10-25 samples,
1/16-1/5 seconds).
- The best discrimanting segment
is used to calculate the classifier.
- That classifier is applied
continously to the AAR parameters (Schloegl)
- Application
- The output (continous in time
an magnitude) is used to control the horizontal position of a
falling ball or the length of a horizontal bar.
- Citation
- *A. Schlogl*, K. Lugger and G.
Pfurtscheller (1997) Using Adaptive Autoregressive Parameters for
a Brain-Computer-InterfaceExperiment, Proceedings of the 19th
Annual International Conference if the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society ,vol 19 , pp.1533-1535, 1997
- C. Neuper, *A. Schlogl*, G.
Pfurtscheller. Enhancement of left-right sensorimotor EEG
differences during feedback-regulated motor imagery. J Clin
Neurophysiol 1999 Jul;16(4):373-82.
- Method C
- Features
- Logarithmic Bandpower (BP)
values estimated bandpass filtering, squaring and smoothing (1s
- Classifier
- Linear discriminant analysis
are applied to short window segments (1/4 - 1 seconds) The best
discriminating segment is used to calculate the classifier.
- That classifier is applied
continously to the BP parameters
- Application
- The output (continous in time
an magnitude) is used to control the horizontal position of a
falling ball or the length of a horizontal bar.
- Citation
- Scherer et al.
- Krausz et al.
- Pfurtscheller et.
- Guger et al.
- Similar experiments were done
with the following modifications
- Feature extraction: Common
Spatial Patterns (Ramoser et al)
- Feature extraction and
Classification: Hidden Markov Model (Obermaier et al)
- Method D
- Features
- Adaptive autoregressive (AAR)
parameters are estimated continously with Kalman filtering,
Logarithmic Bandpower (BP) values estimated bandpass filtering,
squaring and smoothing (1s window)
- Classifier
- using Adaptive classifiers,
Linear or quadratic classifiers are online updated.
- That classifier is applied
continously to the AAR and/or BP parameters.
- Application
- The output (continous in time
an magnitude) is used to control the horizontal position of a
falling ball.
- Citation
- Carmen Vidaurre et al. (papers submitted, see poster)
- Len Trejo
- Features
- Eight-channel EEG critically
filtered and decimated to 128 Hz sampling rate.
- Segmentation into 2-s segments
overlapped 1.75 s with prior segments (250 ms update). We have
used other segment lengths, up to 5 s.
- Application of automatic EOG
correction using wavelet-shrinkage enhanced linear artifact
estimator (optional; usually not needed).
- Estimation of power spectral
density (FFT-based periodogram) with normalization of target
frequencies (SSVEP stimulus fundamentals and second harmonics)
using straddling reference bands.
- Retention of normalized bands of
target frequency PSD bins.
- Classifier
- Concatenation of multichannel
PSD bins into a single row vector
- Projection of row vector onto
five n-component linear KPLS classifiers derived from prior
training data (n is determined by cross-validation and usually
ranges from 1-5). A separate model exists for each of five control
commands: turn left, right, up, down, and center/stop. Each model
classifies output using one versus many (eg. 1 vs other 4) method.
- Votes are tallied for all models
into control classes (left, right, up, down, stop).
- Winning control class determines
direction for next cursor position increment.
- Application
- These methods have been used to
provide normal human subjects with SSVEP-based control of a moving
map application. You can see a video of the whole system in
operation with narrated explanation of processing steps at
If that link fails find the demo link at the bottom of my home
- Citation
- Rosipal R., Trejo L.J., Matthews B. Kernel
PLS-SVC for Linear and Nonlinear Classification. In
Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Machine
Learning (ICML-2003), 640-647, Washington DC, 2003. full-text
PDF, ,
- Doug Weber
- Features
- Mutliple single unit recording
of primary sensory afferents in dorsal root ganglion using
chronically implanted microelectrode arrays
- Single unit firing rates
computed by convolving spike trains with a triangular-shaped
kernel (16 ms wide at base)
- Position and velocity coding of
each afferent tested in a linear regression model and the best
units (highest R-squared value) selected for decoding
- Classifier:
- Position and velocity variables
for hindlimb decoded in linear filter with 5-10 afferent neurons
as inputs
- Application
- multiple channel, single unit
afferent recording to study coding of proprioceptive signals in
primary sensory neurons in cat hindlimb during walking
- Citation
- R. B. Stein, D. J. Weber, Y. Aoyagi, A. Prochazka, J.
Wagenaar, S. Shoham, and R. A. Normann, Coding
of position by simultaneously recorded sensory neurons in the cat
dorsal root ganglion, J Physiol, 2004.
- Features extraction (not based on knowledge of desired
translation result)
- Initial filtering (based on generally-applicable
knowledge about signals, not on knowledge specific to
particular application)
- Spatial
- Laplacian filter of neighboring
voltages (Krusienski, McFarland, He)
- Simple differences of voltages
- Temporal
- Single frequency passband
- 50 or 60 Hz notch filter
- Smoothing of single unit firing
rates with triangular kernel (Fatourechi)
- Multitrial averages synchronized
to stimulus
- Amplitude (Kaidar,
- Frequency
- Spatial dependence---number of
- Single
- FFT (Trejo, Hammon,
Brunner, Gao, He, Buttfield, Blankertz, Schloegl)
- IFFT (Blankertz)
- Multi-taper method, gamma-band
- Matched filter
- Wavelets (Fatourechi,
Trejo---EOG correction)
- Multiple
- Phase differences (Brunner)
- matched filters
- multivariate AR
- Bispectrum ?
- Geometric subspaces (directions in EEG data space
that capture most variation, strongest signal,
strongest task-specific signal, etc.)
- Linear decomposition of matrix
of samples
- Maximization of variance
- Project to components with
most variance (Fatourechi, Hammon, Gage)
- Project to components chosen
by validation
- Spectrum defined by two data
sets, common spatial patterns (Brunner, Gao, Blankertz)
- SVD of lagged, multichannel
samples (Anderson)
- Higher-order statistics
- Independent components
analysis, ICA (Hammon, He)
- Model (not based on knowledge of desired
translation result, unsupervised)
- Spatial dependence---Number of
- Single channel
- Multi-channel
- Temporal
dependence---Independent or dependent on history
- None---static model
- Some---dynamic model
- (adaptive) autoregressive
model (McFarland, Hammon, Brunner)
- source localization (He)
- Complexity (nonlinear systems)
- Feature subset selection
- Most variance
- Most significant difference,
single electrode selection (Kaidar)
- Classification or prediction
- Exhaustive search (Anderson)
- Genetic search (Fatourechi)
- Sequential forward or backward
- Translation, into categories for
classification or real-values for prediction (based on
knowledge of desired translation output, supervised)
- Memory based
- k-nearest neighbors (Fatourechi,
- Discriminant functions
- Linear
- Linear regression (Krusienski,
Fatourechi, McFarland, Blankertz)
- LDA (Brunner, Anderson,
Blankertz, Schloegl)
- Partial Least Squares, PLS
- Perceptron (Gao)
- Quadratic, QDA (Anderson)
- Nonlinear
- neural network (Anderson)
- support vector machines
(Hammon, Kaidar)
- decision trees (Anderson)
- LVQ (maybe more like feature
extraction) (Fatourechi, (Schloegl)
- Models---per class
- Logistic regression
(L1-regularized) (Hammon)
- Kalman filters (Gage)
- Kernel Partial Least Squares,
KPLS (Trejo)
- k-means
- mixture of gaussians (Anderson,
- HMM---hidden markov models
- Combinations
- Voting (Trejo,
- Averaging